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Barsha Das

🥑 Developer Advocate, Evmux |🎭 Head of BizDev, Dotshm |🌻 Community, Pesto

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Who Am I?

👩‍🎓I'm a 2nd-Year CSE UG.
👩‍💼 Podcast Host, The CookieButton Show
💼 Co-organizer, KubeHuddle Toronto 2023.
☁️ Co-organizer, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Kolkata.
🧢 I'm a Developer Advocate Engineer at Evmux, Community Associate at Pesto and Head of Business Development at DotShm.
🔖Previously, I've served as a Developer Advocate Engineer & Product Officer at a bunch of startups and contributed extensively in the division of product and community management to numerous open-source organizations, startups, corporate houses and conventional businesses.
🤝Connect with me for a mutual and community-based learning journey across domains covering Full-stack Development of 🖥️ Web &📱Mobile Application, ⚙️DevOps, ☁️Cloud Computing with a special interest in cloud-native technologies,🕸️Cybersecurity and 📊Data Science!
✨On a side-note, I keep up with the dynamic news concerning metaverse, AR/VR and growing advancements of AI in our daily-lives.
🦋Fun-fact: I'm a proficient personnel in all areas of business and industry-competent in all forms of non-technical activities.
📌Note: I too am skilled in technical documentation, copywriting, videography,360 degree focused content creation!
📛 Oh! I was accepted to the Microoft Learn Student Ambassador Program's January 2023 Cohort and currently awaiting acceptance mails from other programs.

Latest Projects

project name

The CookieButton Project- Open Source Podcast Show

The CookieButton Project is an inclusive open-source organization building the world's first community-run podcast show.
We aim to introduce more open-source projects to drive better inclusivity in the upcoming times.

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Work Experience

Founder & Chief - The CookieButton Project (2022 - Present)

Building the world's first open-source/community-run podcast show.

Co-organizer - KubeHuddle Toronto (2023 - 2024)

KubeHuddle is a community conference where Developers, Platform Engineers, DevOps, SRE, Cloud Enthusiasts, Technical and Business Strategists come together to learn from each other, collaborate and, innovate.This conference will cover topics on: Cloud technologies, Cloud Native and Kubernetes, Edge Computing, Platform Engineering, Technical Strategy, Real life production stories, Learning Cloud, the humanity and empathy side of tech

Product Manager - Scoar (2020 - 2022)

Scoar is a mentorship platform that connects the students and young professionals with experienced mentors. The mentors on Scoar are verified by their experience attending top tier universities, working across Fortune 500 companies, or by founding their own startups.

Barsha's GitHub

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GitHubActivity.feed({ username: "thebarshablog", repository: "", // optional selector: "#feed", limit: 20, // optional });